Jonathan Cornelissen
Born in Antwerp, Belgium
Lives & works in New York City
Jo [at]
2013 - ... Co-founder (and CEO) of DataCamp
2018 - ... Angel investor
2013 - 2014 Lecturer at Free University of Brussels
2009 - 2013 - Co-founder and board of
2009 - 2013 PhD in Financial econometrics
2004 - 2009 Commercial engineering
Catholic University of Leuven
1998 - 2004 Greek-Mathematics
Sint-Albertus high school
Grants & Awards
2012 - Best paper award R/Finance conference
Entrepreneurship, Data Science, Management, Angel Investment
Dutch (native), English (near-native), French (fluent)
Piano, Flute
2018 - The democratization of data science - Harvard Business Review
2013 - The impact of a sustainability constraint on the mean-tracking error efficient frontier
2012 - Original author of the highfrequency R package
2012 - Jump robust daily covariance estimation by disentangling variance and correlation components
2012 - The Gaussian rank correlation estimator: robustness properties
2012 - Nonparametric tests for intraday jumps: Impact of periodicity and microstructure noise
Angel investments